Yesterday evening we had the première of the film version of The Story of Amsterdam at Royal Cinema Pathé Tushinski in Amsterdam. The actual 4 episodes will air on tv starting February 05th. The Movie was compressed in order to be watched by millions of students who can come watch this movie free with their class.
It was very nice to have a reunion with the crew and watch this movie together. We are very proud of it. The audience had a good time. Make sure you watch this when it airs. You will learn a lot!
The Last 2 weeks i have been working together with a crew on a new corporate video for ZERMELO.
Read more about Zermelo HERE. Worked together with a great team, went to some offices and outside locations. I provided the sound, of course. End product is in post production. I had the great pleasure of working on the historical series The Story of the Netherlands: Amsterdam. (Het Verhaal van Nederland: Amsterdam). This year Amsterdam marks it's 750 year existence and this series is here to show you It's rich history. Under the lead of Eric de Roode as head sound and me as boom operator. All of the crew was great to work with and we are all excited for you to see the end result. Tune in Feb 05 at 20:30 on NPO1 or NPO START. In November i worked as the sound guy on a commercial for The Online Wine House. (Het Online Wijnhuis).
It's about a few metalheads coming into this fancy restaurant and everyone is judging them. Then when the waiter asks what they want to drink, it turns out they know quite a lot about wine. This was a great commercial to record. CLICK HERE to see the end result. In November i worked on a commercial / corporate video for Way To Work (Weg Wijzer Naar Werk).
Kinda like an employment agency video. For people to get to work. Worked together again with Django van Busken. So always a pleasure. |
January 2025